Zendikar Rising – Set Booster Pack (12 Card Pack)
September 2020 EXPANSION
Zendikar calls. A quest awaits. So gather your adventuring party and prepare for perilous challenges and priceless rewards. If you’re to find the truth and calm the Roil, you must be bolder than the rest…and just a little reckless.
THE BEST WAY TO OPEN PACKS JUST FOR THE FUN OF OPENING THEM. Zendikar Rising Set Boosters are the go-to if you’re looking to rip open a Magic: The Gathering booster pack just to see what’s inside.
A FOIL AND A FULL-ART LAND IN EVERY PACK. Zendikar Rising Set Boosters come with 1 full-art land card, plus at least one foil card. (The foil cards can be any rarity.)
ART CARDS. Each Set Booster starts with an art card: a beautiful piece of borderless MTG art, some with the artist’s signature across the front in shining gold.
“THE LIST”— CARDS FROM MAGIC‘S HISTORY. 1 in 4 Set Boosters includes a card from “The List”—a pool of reprints, ranging from powerful to flat-out wild, presented in their original art and frame.
CONTENTS: 12 cards, 1 art card, and one ad/token or special card from Magic’s history, with 1 full-art basic land and at least 1 rare and 1 foil.

- 1 art card
- 1 full-art basic land
- 6 connected commons or uncommons
- 1 showcase or double-faced common/uncommon
- 2 cards of any rarity (chance of showcase or double-faced)
- 1 rare or mythic rare (chance of showcase or double-faced)
- 1 foil of any rarity (chance of showcase or double-faced)
- 1 token/ad or special card from Magic’s history.
Each Zendikar Rising Set Booster measures 0.197″ x 2.677″ x 4.803″. They are packed in displays of 30 Set Boosters and shipped in boxes of 6 displays.